How to configure Microsoft teams for web conferencing

How to configure Microsoft teams for web conferencing

How to configure Microsoft teams for web conferencing

Teams by Microsoft is a business communication platform that can facilitate real-time collaboration with your employees using audio calling or video conferencing to individuals or to groups. It is a powerful tool that is integrated with Learn LMS so that you can use it as your choice of service for all your webinar trainings on the platform.

As the primary admin, you can follow the below steps and configure MS Teams with Learn:


  • You should be a Primary admin.
  • You should have a Microsoft Teams account.

Creating your app in Azure

  1. Login to the Azure portal at using your MS Teams credentials
  2. Click on "App registrations" from the Azure dashboard.

  3. Click on "New Registration" on the following screen.
  4. Enter the Name as the name of your LMS app, this is a friendly name.

  5. Select the appropriate option in Account Types and select Public/Native under the Redirect URL.
  6. Click on Register.

The next step is to configure

    • API callbacks
    • API Permissions

Configuring API Callbacks on Azure

Once you've created the app, you'll be required to complete the following steps:

  1. Click on "Authentication" from the left navigation pane.
  2. Click on "Add a platform"
  3. From the subsequent popup, select "Web".
  4. Under the Redirect URL textbox, enter the following
  5. Leave everything else as it is on that popup and click on Configure.

The API callbacks should now be configured.

Configuring API Permissions on Azure

Here's how you can grant the necessary permissions to the app on Azure:

  1. Click on "API Permissions" from the left navigation pane.
  2. On the API permissions page, click on "Add a permission"
  3. Click on "Microsoft Graph" from the pop-up that opens up and then select "Delegated permissions".

  4. Add the following permissions using search 
    • OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite
    • offline_access
    • Directory.Read.All

  5. Click on "Add permissions" and the permission will be added.

  6. Now, click on "Grant Admin Consent for Auzmor". The resultant list of permissions should look like this:

Create a Secret ID

To create a Secret ID,

  1. Click on Certificates & Secrets from the left navigation pane.
  2. On the Certificates and Secrets page, click on "New client secret"
  3. Give a name for the key, set an expiry date as suitable, and click on "Add".
  4. Your Secret ID should now be created. Copy the "value" field and paste it on Learn. 

Open Learn in a new window or tab and continue with the final steps.


Activating MS Teams on Learn

Complete the following steps from your primary admin account to activate MS Teams on Learn.

  1. Switch to the Admin view from your account and open settings.
  2. Open the Marketplace section,  and click on the Web-Conferencing dropdown. You'll find MS Teams as an option here.

  3. Click on Configure. You'll see two fields here that you will need to fill:
    • Application (Client) ID
    • Client Secret Value
  4. You will find the Application (Client) ID within the Overview section of the app you created.

  5. You will find the Client secret value in the "Certificates and secrets" of the app you created.

  6. Copy and paste the codes to the respective fields on Learn and click on "Authenticate/Save".

  7. You need to allow pop-ups on your browser to complete this step
  8. Complete the next steps to allow Auzmor Learn to access your Azure application in the pop-up launched

MS Teams would now be available as an option in Events to your users on Learn!

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