How to create an Instructor-led Training in Learn LMS (Events)

How to create an Instructor-led Training in Learn LMS (Events)

How to create an Instructor-led Training in Learn LMS (Events)

Learn LMS can now create and track your live training both classroom and online. This module is named Events and is a premium feature that needs to be subscribed separately and is not included in the LMS subscription.

For Administrators

  1. Click Events tab from the main page1.png
  2. At the bottom right click "Plus" icon to create a new live training2.png
  3. Add Event Name* and date with timings3A.JPG
  4. Choose event type from the drop down
      • Training - Classroom or in person training
        • Enter Location (Venue)


      • Webinar - online delivery of training (Google Meet, Zoom, Go To Meetings)
        • Enter meeting link and click "Add Link"


  5. Add scheduled reminders and Event Descriptionmceclip2.png
  6. Add Instructor(s) for the eventmceclip3.png
  7. Allocate limited seats for event or leave unlimited
  8. Set a last date for enrolling for the event
  9. Choose event visibility (Private or Public)
  10. Select attendance field if Learners need to mark attendance for themselvesmceclip4.png
  11. Click Save from the top right cornermceclip5.png
  12. Preview Event and click Publish to finishmceclip6.png
  13. Add event attachments which are required for the attendeesmceclip7.png
  14. Add Assessments for learners after the event has ended. Attendees would be marked as "Complete" only after passing Assessmentsmceclip8.png
  15. Add a Completion certificate for learners who successfully clear Assessments after the trainingmceclip9.png
  16. Click Publish to finish creating the eventmceclip10.png
  17. Learners and Team can be added to Events only after it has been Published.
  18. After an event has ended Admin will be able to mark learners who attended the training as Present/Absentmceclip3.png
  19. An Admin can Export a report about the Event to get an overview of the live training


For Manager

Managers cannot create events but can be added as instructors to an event

For Learners

Learners/Teams can now be assigned to events or will be able to self enroll for Public events provided there is enough seating capacity.

The learner view will now have a new section that caters to live trainingmceclip0.png

Enrolling to an assigned Event

  1. Click "Upcoming" tab under "Your Events" and click "Enroll"mceclip1.png
  2. Once Enrolled learners can see the details of the event and also take a look at Instructors or any documents that have been attached for reference.mceclip2.png
  3. If Assessments are set for an Event, learners would need to click "Take Assessment" after the envent has endedmceclip4.png.
  4. After clearing Assessments learners would automatically be marked as Complete for the event. If no Assessments are set, learners will be able to mark attendance for themselves before the event ends and if the Event settings configured by the Admin allows them to do so. By default attendance is marked by the Admin.
  5. If a Learner forgets to Mark their Attendance, they would need to contact the Admin to mark them as Present for the event, if not it would show up as a missed event.
  6. mceclip5.pngmceclip6.png
  7. A new Events Tab is added for Learners where they can view all Live Trainigns (Online / Offline) that are available in their organisation (Assigned/Self Enroll). Upcoming ongoing and completed events are also categorised in this page.mceclip7.png