How to create course using interactive learning?
How to create course using interactive learning?
Knowbly is a cloud-based rapid authoring tool for creating digital courses and quizzes. It includes asset management, a unique interactive video widget, and the ability to customize your content and themes. Once you figure out the basics it's very easy to use and you can create beautiful interactive super engaging learning courses.
- Go to the COURSES section and click the red + icon on the bottom right-hand side of the screen
- You will see 4 options to create a course. Choose "Interactive learning"
- On the course creation steps, click on the "create" button to start the process
- Add title, categories, description and banner for the course
- On the next step, click on add content option. Now you will be taken to the interactive course creation
On the interactive course creation interface, here are the steps you need to follow:
- First define the structure of your course.
Add content to the course
Lesson cards
Tabs widget
When creating a Lesson you have the option of adding ASSESSMENT CARDS, ACTIVITY CARDS, and LESSON CARDS…
Navigation Block
Progress block
Assessment block
Once you are done creating the course don't forget to publish it
Now you can proceed with the remaining LMS course creation steps if required…
- Adding Assessments
- Completion Certificate
- Course Settings
And you will now click PUBLISH on the top right corner and the course will have been created successfully!!!
Once Published all Knowbly courses would be found in the "Published" tab under Courses along with the rest of the courses. Knowbly courses may be added to Learning Paths as well
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