This article will show you the steps needed to edit the course duration. Editing the course duration will change what Learners see in the duration portion of the details section of the course.
To see how to edit the course duration, watch this video:
As an admin, you have the abilities to change the course duration that your Learners see when accessing the course. This allows you to use course data like average course duration to more accurately portray the length of the course.
To change the course duration you will access the course settings. Navigate to the course cover page by clicking the course thumbnail and then clicking on the course settings.
Navigate toward the bottom of the settings box and click the checkbox next to “Course Duration.” You can now change the hours, minutes, and seconds to the length of the course, or to an estimated length.
Once the time is set, click “Update” and your new course time will be visible to users.
You can also change the course duration when creating a course by editing it in the “settings” step of a course build. The steps are the same, check the box and then change the hours, minutes, and seconds to reflect the time of the course.