The actions you can perform on a coupon are primarily going to be dependant on the state that the coupon is in. Overall, you can perform the following actions:
If you want to edit a coupon, follow the steps below:
If you're editing a coupon that was shared with your branch from the parent organization:
- Either you will not be only be able to edit the coupon
- Or you'll only be able to edit the users you want the coupon to be available within your branch.
- "Save & Exit" will save the changes but retain the state of the coupon.
- "Publish" will save the changes and change the state of the coupon to active or scheduled.
If you want to duplicate a coupon, follow the steps below.
- The duplicate coupon will be assigned a unique coupon ID, different than the original.
- The duplicate coupon will have its actual redemption count and usage counts reset.
If you want to unpublish an active or scheduled coupon, simply click on the 3-dots menu and click on Unpublish. This will change the state of the coupon to Inactive.
An inactive coupon can be made active or scheduled by clicking on the 3-dot menu for the corresponding inactive coupon and clicking on Publish. Assuming that the redemption limit has not been reached, the coupon will be published in the Active or Scheduled state.
Only the primary admin can delete a coupon. If you're not the primary admin and want a coupon to be unusable, you can unpublish the coupon.
If you are the primary admin,
The coupon will be deleted from the database and any data pertaining to it will no longer be retrievable.