Participants in an Observational Checklist - Assignees, Reviewers, & Viewers

Participants in an Observational Checklist - Assignees, Reviewers, & Viewers

Role: Admins, Manager, Learners

Description: This article explains how to access the Observational Checklist for different roles: Assignee, Reviewer, and Viewer. Each role has unique permissions, allowing you to complete tasks, provide feedback, or simply observe the checklists. Learn how to navigate based on your role for a seamless experience.

Roles in Observational Checklists

Below are following roles that can be used in Observational Checklists.

  1. Assignees: Assignees are individuals who are being evaluated by the reviewers. They do not need to take any action in Auzmor, instead, they can simply check the status and review any comments provided by the reviewers regarding assigned tasks.
  2. Reviewers: Reviewers are the individuals responsible for completing the observational checklists and providing feedback to the respective assignees.
  3. Viewers: Viewers have read-only access to the checklist, allowing them to see the status and responses provided by the reviewer.
How to Locate Observational Checklists as the Assignee, Reviewer or Viewer

You can access tasks assigned to you as an ‘’Assignee, Reviewer, or Viewer’’ from either the learner view and the admin/manager view depending on your role. Follow the below screenshots to learn how to locate your tasks on Learn.

   1. From the Learner's View: Click on "Tasks" in the top navigation bar. You’ll be taken to your Tasks page, where the "Assigned" tab is set as the default. Observational checklists will have an Orange icon in the top right corner, while Tasks will not have any icon.
Similarly, you can view all observational checklists where you are assigned as a Reviewer or Viewer by clicking on the respective tabs.

2. From the Manager's or Admin's View:
Click on "Tasks" in the top navigation bar to access the Tasks page, which has two tabs: "All Tasks" and "My Tasks." Select "My Tasks," then choose the "Assigned," "Reviewing," or "Viewing" tab to see the relevant observational checklists and their statuses.

Privileges of Each Participant in Observational Checklists:

1. Assignee Privileges: 
When an observational checklist is assigned to you, it will appear in your “Assigned” tab, where you can see the following details:

  • To Do & Date: The assigned date & status of the checklist. 

  • Reviewers: Check the reviewers assigned to the checklist, responsible for task completion and feedback.

  • Viewers: See the Viewers added to the checklist.

  • Sub Tasks: Completion status of the checklist & subtasks associated with the checklist.

  • Comments & Activity: Add and view comments related to the checklist and its subtasks.

Note: Ability to create subtasks in the checklist depend on the configuration set by the admins.


2. Reviewer Privileges:
  1. Remarks & Checklist Completion: As a Reviewer, you can provide feedback, complete the checklist, and finish the associated subtasks by the due date.
  2. Subtask Status & Completion: You can change the status of subtasks and mark them as complete.
  3. Comments & Feedback: Add and view comments related to the checklist and its subtasks. You can also share feedback on the assigned checklist
  4. Subtask Creation & Assignment: Depending on admin settings, you may have the ability to create subtasks within the checklist. Reviewers can also assign newly created subtasks to other assignees and manage their completion.
  5. Reviewing Additional Subtasks: Reviewers are responsible for reviewing and completing any additional subtasks created by assignees.

3. Viewer Privileges: 
  1. View Checklist & Subtasks: As a Viewer, you can view the checklist and subtasks of all assignees in a read-only format.
  2. View Assigned Users & Progress: You can expand a checklist to see all users assigned to it, along with their individual progress and status.
  3. Access Task Pages: Click the "View Task" button to access a specific user’s task page, where you can review their progress, responses, and status updates.
  4. View Subtask Details: If the checklist contains subtasks, you can click on them to view their specific details.
  5. Comments & Activity Tracking: Add comments and monitor all activity in the comments and activity section on the left.

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