Roles & Permissions in Auzmor Learn

Roles & Permissions in Auzmor Learn

Roles & Permissions in Auzmor Learn

The following shows a high-level view of roles and permissions.

 Primary AdminAdminManagerLearner
User ManagementYesYes*NoNo
Team ManagementYesYesYes*No
Course ManagementYesYesYes*No
Organization SettingsYesNoNoNo
Account SettingsYesYesNoNo

*There can be cases when this is not true, for all such cases refer the more detailed table below.

  Primary AdminAdminManagerLearner
User Management     
 Add UserYesYesNoNo
 View UserYesYesYes, but only while adding a member in a team.No
 Add AdminYesYesNoNo
 Delete UserYesYesNoNo
 Delete AdminYesYesNoNo
 Edit own profileYesYesYesYes
 Edit users profileNoYesNoNo
 Create user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Edit user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Delete user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Change status of a learnerYesYesNoNo
 Change status of an adminYesYesNoNo
 Change status of a primary adminNoNoNoNo
 Change status of a managerYesYesNoNo
 Change the role of the user (Admin, Learner & Manager)YesYesNoNo
 Add Primary AdminNoNoNoNo
 Delete Primary AdminNoNoNoNo
 Transfer ownershipYesNoNoNo
 View UserYesYesYes, But only managed users & while adding a member in a team.No
Team Management     
 Create a TeamYesYesNoNo
 View TeamYesYesYesNo
 Delete a TeamYesYesNoNo
 Add user to a TeamYesYesYesNo
 Remove user from a TeamYesYesYesNo
 Add managers to teamYesYesNoNo
 Remove managers from teamYesYesNoNo
 View TeamYesYesYes, But only managed TeamsNo
Course Management
 Create a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Delete a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Archive a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Edit a public courseYesYesNoNo
 View a public courseYesYesYesYes
 Create a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Delete a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Archive a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Edit a private courseYesYesNoNo
 View a private courseYesYesYes
No, unless he is assigned by manager or admin
 Assign public course to the learnerYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Unenroll learner from a public courseYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Assign private course to the teamYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Remove team from a private courseYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Create course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Edit Course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Delete Course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Enroll in a public courseYesYesYesYes
 Enroll in a private courseYesYesYesNo
 Unenroll from a courseYesYesYes
Yes, Can unenroll from a public course but not an assigned course
 View, Update, Delete, Draft Course(Public & Private) New courseYesYesNoNo
 View, Update, Delete, Draft Course(Public & Private) Existing courseYesYesNoNo
 Public CourseYesYesYes, But only managed coursesNo
 Private CourseYesYesYes, But only managed coursesNo
 Public Courses CreatedYesYesNoNo
 Private Courses CreatedYesYesNoNo
 UserYesYesYes, But only managed UsersNo
 TeamsYesYesYes, But only managed TeamsNo
 Edit organization profileYesNoNoNo
 Edit BrandingYesNoNoNo
Account Setting     
 Personal ProfileYesYesYesYes
 Account CredentialsYesYesYesYes
 Edit NotificationsYes, Only Admins NotificationsYes, Only Admins NotificationsYes, Only manager notifications
Yes, Only Learners notifications



  Primary AdminAdminManagerLearner
User Management     
 Add UserYesYesNoNo
 View UserYesYesYes, but only while adding a member in a team.No
 Add AdminYesYesNoNo
 Delete UserYesYesNoNo
 Delete AdminYesYesNoNo
 Edit own profileYesYesYesYes
 Edit users profileNoYesNoNo
 Create user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Edit user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Delete user custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Change status of a learnerYesYesNoNo
 Change status of an adminYesYesNoNo
 Change status of a primary adminNoNoNoNo
 Change status of a managerYesYesNoNo
 Change the role of the user (Admin, Learner & Manager)YesYesNoNo
 Add Primary AdminNoNoNoNo
 Delete Primary AdminNoNoNoNo
 Transfer ownershipYesNoNoNo
 View UserYesYesYes, But only managed users & while adding a member in a team.No
Team Management     
 Create a TeamYesYesNoNo
 View TeamYesYesYesNo
 Delete a TeamYesYesNoNo
 Add user to a TeamYesYesYesNo
 Remove user from a TeamYesYesYesNo
 Add managers to teamYesYesNoNo
 Remove managers from teamYesYesNoNo
 View TeamYes YesYes, But only managed TeamsNo
Course Management     
 Create a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Delete a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Archive a public courseYesYesNoNo
 Edit a public courseYesYesNoNo
 View a public courseYesYesYesYes
 Create a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Delete a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Archive a private courseYesYesNoNo
 Edit a private courseYesYesNoNo
 View a private courseYesYesYesNo, unless he is assigned by manager or admin
 Assign public course to the learnerYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Unenroll learner from a public courseYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Assign private course to the teamYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Remove team from a private courseYesYesYes, But only managed learnersNo
 Create course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Edit Course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Delete Course custom fieldYesYesNoNo
 Enroll in a public courseYesYesYesYes
 Enroll in a private courseYesYesYesNo
 Unenroll from a courseYesYesYesYes, Can unenroll from a public course but not an assigned course
 View, Update, Delete, Draft Course(Public & Private) New courseYesYesNoNo
 View, Update, Delete, Draft Course(Public & Private) Existing courseYesYesNoNo
 Public CourseYesYesYes, But only managed coursesNo
 Private CourseYesYesYes, But only managed coursesNo
 Public Courses CreatedYesYesNoNo
 Private Courses CreatedYesYesNoNo
 UserYesYesYes, But only managed UsersNo
 TeamsYesYesYes, But only managed TeamsNo
 Edit organization profileYesNoNoNo
 Edit BrandingYesNoNoNo
Account Settings     
 Personal ProfileYesYesYesYes
 Account CredentialsYesYesYes



 Edit NotificationsYes, Only Admins NotificationsYes, Only Admins NotificationsYes, Only manager notificationsYes, Only Learners notifications

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