Creating a Team in Auzmor Learn is quick & easy. The Team feature allows you to group your employees according to location, department, etc & assign managers to that specific team. Any group of people who need to take the same set of courses can be made into a team. A team can be deleted at any moment of time. Moreover, there are some very simple & easy ways to assign & un-assign a team to a course. Adding a member & removing a member can be done by going to the team profile page. The new team profile page has it all in one place.
To create a Team for a course
Please note: To successfully create a team you need to enter team name & select at least 1 member for the team.
To assign a team to course you need to go to the course detail page of the course. Then click on the +Add New Team button in the enrollments section of a course detail page. A dialog box will open and you can search & select the teams you wish to add.
Please note: If there are learners who were already assigned the same course through other sources it will have no effect on them.
Removing a team from a course can be done from the enrollment section of a course by clicking on the remove button. After clicking on the remove button a dialog box will open where you can designate whether or not you wish the associated learners to continue in the course even if you remove the team from the course. Remember, if you want to remove all the team's learners from the course select all the learners & click remove.
Please note: The Team will be removed from the course in each case but the learners will be able to continue doing the course according to the preferences you select. An important point to note is if there are any users who have either completed the course, have been assigned to the course through different teams, or self-enrolled they will not be removed from the course.
You can delete any team at any moment, but you'll need to be very cautious. When you delete a team all the team related data will also be deleted & you will not be able to restore it.
Please note: Every team is independent, meaning there is no interdependency of a team on any other team. If you delete a team, only data related to that team will be deleted permanently. If there are any users who have completed courses with respect to the deleted team, they will still be able to see the completed courses list even if you delete the team.
Managers will receive notifications whenever they are assigned or removed as a manager of the team. They are allowed to add & remove members from a team through the Team Profile page of their assigned team.
The learner will receive a list of the team assigned courses through email whenever he or she is added to a team. The learner will receive an email & in-app notification whenever a course is assigned through a team