How to Configure Zoom

How to Configure Zoom

How to Configure Zoom is a web conferencing tool that can be used to collaborate with your employees using audio and video to deliver training. Learn LMS would need to be configured by the Primary Admin to ensure that Admins use a specific user's Zoom Login Credentials when creating Events for your Webinar and Online Training.

Adding 'Auzmor Learn' as an app on Zoom 

1. Login to the Zoom Marketplace using your Zoom credentials.

2. Click on “Build App” under Develop dropdown.

3. Create an ''General App''

4. You will be redirected to the ''App creation page''.

5. ''Enter the name of your app'', eg → “Auzmor Learn”.

6. Under “Basic Information” section, choose “Admin-managed” so that account admins can add and manage this app. It can access and manage users' data depending on the scope selection.

7. Click on “Save”


If an app is created with the intention of not being published and the toggle for 
publication was turned off during its creation, there will be differences between
the sections of both types of apps (those intended to be published and unpublished).

Here are the ''Steps to configure an app'' that is not intended to be published:

1. Under the “App Credentials” section and inside “Redirect URL for OAUTH” and “Add Allow List” add the redirect URL. Please pick the correct datacenter your account belongs to

2. After selecting the OAuth Redirect URL, Click on continue till you reach the Scope section. 

3. Under the “Scopes” section, add the following scopes:
  1. "meeting:read:meeting:admin"
  2. "meeting:read:list_meetings:admin"
  3. "meeting:write:meeting:admin"
  4. "meeting:write:registrant:admin"
  5. ''meeting:update:meeting:admin
  6. "report:read:list_webinar_participants:admin"
  7. "report:read:list_meeting_participants:admin"
  8. "user:read:list_users:admin"
  9. "user:read:user:admin"
  10. "webinar:read:list_webinars:admin"
  11. "webinar:read:webinar:admin"
  12. "webinar:delete:webinar:admin"
  13. "webinar:write:webinar:admin"
  14. "webinar:update:status:admin"
  15. "webinar:update:webinar:admin"
  16. "webinar:write:registrant:admin"
  17. "meeting:read:list_past_instances",
  18. "meeting:read:list_past_instances:admin"

To Add these scopes you need to click on ''Add Scopes'' then Search these scopes one by one listed above and click on done. 

4. Check all the details in the last step and ''click on continue'' You app will be ready to use. 


5. Once you click on continue after completing all the above mentioned steps , ''The local test'' status changed to ''Local Only'' [Initially it will show as '' Not Ready''] and you are good to go. 

NOTE: While configuring zoom Oauth, please make sure that user account that you decide to use to create zoom meetings should have turned off "Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting" in the zoom settings. As when this is turned on, registration to the meetings created by those users will fail. Please refer to the screenshot on what setting to turn off. 

Set up Zoom on Learn LMS

1. Log in to Learn LMS, click your profile (1) in the top right corner and go to Settings (2) [Note: You need to a primary account login to view these settings]

2. Under Settings click Marketplace from the menu on the right and on the right under "Others" you will see the different Web Conferencing tools that Learn LMS integrates with. Click the dropdown and select Configure under "Zoom"

3. The Client ID & Client Secret in the last steps of adding Learn LMS as an app in Zoom need to be entered in their respective textboxes, once done click Connect to Zoom. Popup will be opened to authenticate with Zoom by entering your Zoom credentials. After successful authentication, all users part of your Zoom subscription plan will be listed here, search for a specific user and make sure they are selected before clicking Connect

4. Zoom will show up as an "Activated" tool under "Web Conferencing". To see the your Zoom subscription details click Check Details (9) and to change the default Zoom user click Change Account (10)

5. To deactivate Zoom integration, hover over the three dots and click Deactivate (11)


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