How to Enable E-signatures for Organizations and Trainings

How to Enable E-signatures for Organizations and Trainings

How to Enable E-signatures for Organizations and Trainings

Auzmor Learn gives you the ability to require E-signatures from learners upon completion of a trainings. With it, you can facilitate legal confidence by making learners to go through an authentication process and acknowledge that they have met the training specifications as stipulated by you.

Enabling E-signatures on a training allows you to:

  • Enforce learners to go through an authentication process when they complete the training.
  • Customize and enforce an agreement with learners for each training upon its successful completion.
  • Prevent unsolicited edits by admins to a training by enforcing authentication combined with an audit trail that is already maintained by us.
Only Primary Admins of the main organization can enable E-signatures 
on an organization level.
Once enabled, other admins will be able to configure it on a training level.


Enabling E-signatures For All Your Organizations

If you're the primary admin of the main organization's Learn account, here's how you can enable E-signatures for all of your organizations.

  • Log into the admin view on Learn.
  • Go to Settings, and then click on the Security section.
  • There, you will find a new "E-signature authentication" section.

Since this is a regulatory configuration, we highly recommend you assess the impact that this will have on all your users and trainings before you enable it. You can read about it here.




  • If you wish to proceed, hover on "E-signature Authentication" and click on "Configure".
  • You'll see the below popup.

E-signatures will now be available for admins to configure on all trainings of your platform.


Enabling E-signatures on Trainings

Once E-signatures have been activated by the primary admin on organizations, admins will be able to enable it on individual trainings.

You can only enable E-signatures for courses and events. 
E-signatures will be applicable in paths only for trainings that have
E-signatures enabled for them individually.

If you're an admin, here are the steps you need to follow to enable them for a training:

  • If you're creating a new training, you'll find a new configuration available in the "Settings" tab of the creation form, labeled as "E-Signatures".
  • Click on the drop-down next to it and select "Enable"


  • You will then be able to also click on "Edit Agreement". Click on it to view the agreement and edit it as you see fit. This is the agreement that learners will be required to accept when they're submitting their E-signatures.

  • Once the agreement is ready, click on "Make Changes" on the agreement popup.
  • Finally, click on "Save" on the settings tab.

The training will now abide by the protocols that E-signatures trainings follow. You can learn about them here.

You can also change the E-signature configuration on trainings by  clicking on
the "Gear" icon from their details page.


Read more about E-signatures:

What happens when you enable E-signatures for your organizations and trainings

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