Different states of Coupons

Different states of Coupons

Different states of Coupons

Each coupon will be found in one of the following states:

  1. Draft
  2. Active
  3. Scheduled
  4. Inactive
  5. Expired

Depending on the state they're in, coupons will provide different options and have different behaviors. The following table represents the differences in the options you get, the behavior differences, and, simply, what each state means.


StateDescriptionActions you can performKey points
DraftAny coupon can be saved as a draft, regardless of what all information has been entered at the time of creation.

- Edit

- Publish

- Duplicate

- Delete (by primary admin)

This is the only state for which the edit history will not be recorded.

A coupon can only be in Draft once in its entire life cycle. A draft coupon is not visible to users for consumption. 

ActiveA coupon that has been published and whose validity and redemptions criteria make it immediately useable fall in this state.

- Edit

- Unpublish

- Duplicate

- Delete (by primary admin)

A coupon will remain to be in its Active state unless manually unpublished or until either its validity or redemption criteria no longer meet.

No two active or scheduled coupons can have the same coupon code.

ScheduledA coupon that has been published, whose redemption criteria make it useable, but its start date is configured to a future date and time.

- Edit

- Unpublish

- Duplicate

- Delete (by primary admin)

A scheduled coupon will automatically switch to the 'Active' state once the start date and time are reached.

Only coupons in this state can be redeemed by users.

No two active or scheduled coupons can have the same coupon code.

InactiveA coupon that has been manually unpublished will fall in this state.

- Edit

- Publish

- Duplicate

- Delete (by primary admin)

If an inactive coupon had an end date at the time of unpublishing, it will automatically be expired upon reaching the end of its validity.
Expired A coupon that has either reached its redemption limit or has reached the end of its validity will fall in this state.

- Edit

- Duplicate

- Delete (by primary admin)

Increasing the redemption limit or changing the expiry date and publishing the coupon again will change the state of the coupon to Scheduled or Active.


You can continue learning about coupons here:

How to create coupons 

How to manage coupons 


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