How to create coupons?
Coupons are an excellent tool for incentivizing purchases for users and increasing overall content traction. You will be able to create coupons if E-commerce is enabled and configure them granularly to offer targeted discounts to your users.
Creating Coupons
Here's how you can begin creating a coupon:
- Switch to the Admin view from your Learn account.
- Enable E-commerce if it isn't.
On the top navigation bar, click on E-commerce and then click on "Coupons".
- If you do not have any coupons created, you'll be taken to create a coupon screen
- If you have created coupons in the past, you will be taken to coupon listing page. You can click on the + button at the bottom right to start creating a coupon
You will see two sections on this page:
- Basic Details
- Advance Details
Let us take you through the options in each of these.
Basic Details

- Coupon Code - This is the unique code that users will use on the checkout page to redeem the coupon being configured. You can click on 'Generate Coupon code' to generate a random alphanumeric code or enter one yourself. No two active or scheduled coupons can have the same coupon code.
- Description - You can enter the description for the coupon. This will be visible to the learners on the checkout page when they're browsing for the coupon.

Let's consider an example to demonstrate the difference between Flat and Percentage discounts.
Consider that a user has 3 courses added to their cart, priced at $100 each.
Out of these, two courses are eligible for a coupon discount.
Case 1: Discount type for the coupon is "Flat Discount" and the discount value entered is 25.
In this scenario, a simple deduction will be made on the total cart value.
This does not account for the number of eligible courses.
Total Payable amount will be $300 - $25 = $275
Case 2: Discount type for the coupon is "Percentage" and the discount value entered is 25.
The amount of discount is calculated as 25% of the total value of eligible courses.
Since two courses are eligible, 25% of $200 will be the discount offered, i.e $50.
Total Payable amount will be $300 - $50 = $250
Note: In the second case, if the maximum discount value had been entered,
the lesser value out of the discount calculated and the maximum discount value will be applied.
- Minimum Cart Value - You can configure a coupon such that it will only be usable if the total cart value is greater than a certain amount. You can leave it blank if you do not want to restrict it.
Advance Details

- Redemptions - A redemption is counted when a user applies an eligible coupon on their cart, checks out, and completes the transaction. Using the Redemptions field, you can restrict the number of times that a coupon can be used on the platform. This can be any number that is greater than 1. Leaving it blank will allow a coupon to be redeemed an infinite number of times.
- Usage Limit per user - You can further limit the number of times a single user can use a coupon. This can be any number less than the redemption limit and more than 1. Leaving it blank will allow a user to redeem a coupon as many times as the redemption limit allows.
Note: If a team is selected, new members added in the team will automatically be made eligible.
You'll see an option within the popup to "Add Guests", which will allow you to invite people
who are not yet on your platform. Once they register on Learn with the same email ID,
they'll be eligible for the coupon as well.
- When you have selected the individuals or teams, you can click on Save to continue
- The popup will close and you'll see the selection reflected under the Specific Users section.
- You can continue to edit the list by clicking on 'Edit' or proceed to the next configuration.
If you Remove all selections within the popup,
the primary selection under Users will be reverted to "All users".
- Edit Branch Users - Enabling this option will allow branch admins to edit the "Users" configuration within their respective branches. The changes they make to the user selection will be only applicable to their own branches.
All other configurations of the coupon will be inherited and carried over to other branches.
You will always be able to preview a coupon on the right side of the Coupon creation page.
This is meant to be an exact representation of how the coupon is visible to the user.
Once you've configured all the changes, you can either:
- Save & Exit - This will save the coupon in a 'Draft' state.
- Publish - The configured coupon will be published in either the 'Active' state or the 'Scheduled' state. (depending on the start date and time)
Continue reading: Operations on coupons
Continue reading: List of Coupons
Continue reading: Coupons: Details Page
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