Coupons: Details page
When you click on an individual coupon from the list of coupons or from any other page, you'll be taken to a coupon's detail page.
This page will list out all the details of the coupon including its configurations.
- You'll be able to perform actions corresponding to its state by clicking on Edit or the 3-dots menu on the top right of the page.
- You can also view the orders that used this coupon by clicking on the "Orders" tab.
Within this tab,
- You can view the number of orders and the cumulative bill value for all the orders in which the coupon was used.
- You can see the list of orders, with each row capturing the order ID, the username of the buyer, the branch on which the purchase was made, the transaction date, and the transaction amount.
- You can click on the Order ID to view the order details.
- You can search for the orders by entering an order ID or username in the search box.
- You can filter the orders you want to see by defining a date range or selecting from the date range suggestions.
You can also click on the History tab to view the edit history for the coupon.
You will be able to track the following details in this section:
- The time stamps
- The user who edited
- The sections that the user edited
Continue reading: Operations on coupons
Continue reading: List of Coupons
Continue reading: How to create coupons